5 Tips To Drive Safely At Night Time - A Trainer's Guide!

(Fun Fact)

If you are looking for an expert Drivingtraining school in Victoria Park this is the perfect post for you. We will demonstrate all the major driving tips for a safe night drive.

Now Let’s dig in!

 According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), fatal accidents tend to be 3 times when driving at night time.

This does make sense too!

When driving during night time, lack of proper visibility proves to be one huge concern for drivers (be it amateurs or seasoned ones). You see less of the road ahead and if a roadside hazards does come about; you have less time to stop and avoid that potential accident.

And if low lights didn't cause enough problems already; you also come across various kinds of lights or bright glares which only help to compound the issue.

(So in simple terms )... you have every right to be paranoid since night driving is more perilous than you can imagine.

Night driving requires proper concentration, control and professional training- all of this can only be perfected by taking up affordablenight driving lessons in and across Victoria Park.

In this post, we will discuss 5 Experts' Tips To Safety Drive During Night Time. So follow the post carefully!

1.      Look To Avoid Two-Lane Highways

The first tip to keep in mind whenever driving during night time is avoiding two-lane highways. Believe it or not, tackling two-lane highways can often provide you worst nighttime glare from the upcoming vehicle's headlights.

Often such two-lane highways tend to have more sharp curves and hills in comparison to a freeway. And if you are new to driving independently, then you must refrain from taking such roads.

The sensible course of action would be to take an alternative route during night time to ensure you reach your intended destination safe and sound.

2.      Drive Slowly & Maintain The Speed Limit

Since driving during night time is anyway difficult; you should make it a point to drive slowly and maintain the speed limit.

As already explained before, approximately 37% of driving collisions and accidents happen during night time. This is in sharp contrast to daytime which roughly sees around 21% of accidents.

As notable driving instructors opine - low visibility means shorter reaction time and that's precisely why you should look to drive slowly by maintaining the speed limit.

Take For Example -

If your headlight shines approximately 160 feet (give or take) ahead of you, but if you are driving at 40mph, then you will have to be 190 feet to stop.

In simple words, you will have to hit the brakes earlier than you normally do when driving in daylight.

So, look to adjust your rate of acceleration keeping in mind the visibility. Doing so will allow you to drive safely even during low-light or dinner conditions.

Aim to Angle Your Headlights Appropriately

If your headlights tilt down way too much; you will lose visibility when driving. And if you angle them too high, then they can simply blindside up approaching drivers.

So, the wise course of action would be to annually inspect the headlight angle and ensure they are aimed appropriately. Making this small adjustment can make the difference when driving in night time (or low light conditions).

3.      Make Use Of High Light Beams Whenever Necessary

Most drivers often commit the common mistake of underutilized high light beams- particularly in open roads or rural areas. Of course, you should avoid making this mistake and instead look to use your high light beams whenever deemed necessary.

In fact, you should look to dim your light beams whenever you're 500 feet within an oncoming vehicle- just so that you don't blind-side the other driver temporarily. Of course, when you are trailing another vehicle, refrain from using a high light beam.

4.      Watch Out For Wildlife

This is a common problem which tends to happen during dusk time or at night. The last thing you want is to collide with an animal, hurt him and in the process hurt yourself.

To avoid this problem; you can always make use of high beams which assist you spot any animal's glowing eyes. And if you do come across one, you can avoid it by simply decelerating and stopping. Refrain from swerving as it poses a potential risk of you spinning out of control.

Again this is not something you would want. So watch out for wildlife whenever driving during night time.



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