Surefire Tips to pass the 1st driving assessment

The driving test can be a topic that brings nervousness and anxiety. Passing a driving test requires theoretical and practical preparation. This knowledge is transmitted by the driving schools and tested at the appropriate exam sites. However, despite the preparation, certain nervousness on the part of the candidate is usual. Get to know some practical tips to take the Practical driving assessment in Nedlands successfully.

Practical driving assessment

What does the driving test include?

The driving test aims to prove that applicants for a driving license have the knowledge, skills, and behavior required to ensure safe driving in a given category of a motor vehicle. The driving test comprises two parts, the theoretical test, and the practical test. The theoretical part precedes the practice and aims to prove the candidate's knowledge. Practice, on the other hand, is intended to assess your abilities and behavior. Admission to the driving test requires the candidate to fulfill requirements, such as the minimum age required and a certain physical, mental and psychological aptitude.

How is the theoretical test done?

The theoretical test is carried out on a computer screen, through an interactive application and covers certain program contents. The syllabus related to theoretical exams generally deals with:

  • General principles of traffic and road safety
  • The driver, his psychological and physical state
  • The driver and the vehicle
  • The driver and other road users
  • The driver, the road and other external factors, and much more. 

The test lasts 30 minutes. Before starting, the examiner briefly explains the use of the computer system, and the candidate's signature and proof of identity are required. Once it has been started, it is not possible to enter the exam room.

The test comprises few questions. Generally, the questions are combined with pictures or images relating to traffic situations. The answers are multiple choices, with between two and four possible answers. Approval in terms of theory requires the candidate not to answer incorrectly more than 3 questions in the case of applying for a category B exam. If the candidate does not pass, the school is informed about the contents to be worked on. If you pass, you receive authorization to pass the practical test after completing the required driving lessons.

Before appearing for a Practical driving assessment , everyone should: 

  1. Clear all doubts

During driving lessons, clear all doubts with your instructor. Be transparent about the difficulties you feel and ask the instructor to help you in this regard.


  1. Don't absorb the driving vices of friends or family

Focus on lessons taught by the instructor. The guidelines provided by the same are crucial to being successful in the driving test. Don't let yourself be infected by the driving vices of friends or family, as they can dictate your disapproval.


  1. Purchase extra lessons if needed

If someone doesn’t feel confident enough to take the driving test, ask for extra lessons to train driving and improve some maneuvers.


  1. Drive defensively

Opt for preventive and calm driving. Don't worry if it takes longer to enter a roundabout or change lanes. Always make sure it's safe and, if possible, anticipate some actions from other drivers to ensure everyone's safety.


  1. Be aware of your surroundings

Train your peripheral vision. Get used to being aware of everything around you, without losing concentration on driving, such as cars close to you, pedestrian movement, and traffic signs.

Like these points? So, you want to learn to drive? Contact Haitham Driver Training. We have a Certified Driving Instructor in Victoria Park. Our instructor will give you surefire tips to pass successfully the driving test. 

Book your preferred time with us!


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